RICK is pleased to announce Venkat Gummadi, PE, CPESC has joined the firm as an Associate in the Water Resources Department. Venkat has more than 12 years of urban stormwater management experience, with specialized expertise in stormwater best management practices (BMPs) and integrated stormwater watershed master planning.
This key hire enhances RICK’s leadership capacity to provide public sector clients with reliable and advanced water quality solutions. Venkat’s breadth of experience and technical proficiency bring a deep understanding of both the intricacies of complex project design and the dynamic, changing legislative environment.
Venkat’s practice focuses on National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting; municipal stormwater program planning and implementation; integrated stormwater watershed master planning; stormwater BMP selection, design, and maintenance; channel maintenance plan development; stream restoration design; hydromodification management studies; post fire hazard mitigation studies; and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) implementation planning.
“RICK has built an incredible legacy of water resources work here in San Diego and beyond,” Venkat said. “I have worked with RICK for many years and have been impressed by the team’s desire to go the extra mile to achieve the client’s goals. I’m excited to join the team and contribute to the growth and expansion of RICK’s water resources practice.”
Venkat holds a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from San Diego State University. He is a Registered Professional Engineer, Certified Professional in Erosion Control and Sediment Control, and California SWPPP Developer/Practitioner.