SAN DIEGO, CA – Rick Engineering Company (RICK) was recently awarded a contract to provide planning and consulting services for the Northside Neighborhood and Pellissier Ranch Inter-Jurisdictional Specific Plan and Program Environmental Impact Report Department.
Under the contract, RICK’s multi-disciplinary Community Planning and Sustainable Development Division will help the City of Riverside, the City of Colton, and community members realize its vision for the Northside Neighborhood including plan development, community design options, environmental considerations, historic elements, and economic analysis. RICK’s Bob Stockton, PE, LEED AP will serve as Principal-in-Charge with Brian Mooney, FAICP acting as the overall Project Manager. The team also includes the following partners: Design Workshop, Dudek, Eva Yakutis, Kearns and West, and Keyser Marston.
“We are extremely excited to work with the Cities and community members to produce a Specific Plan to enhance the Northside Neighborhood and integrate important historic and natural resources into the plan framework ,” said Mooney, RICK Community Planning and Sustainable Development Principal. “In collaboration with the community we’re certain we can produce an exceptional plan that will be an asset to the region.”
Once the Specific Plan and environmental process is complete, the City of Riverside will begin to create a thriving new Northside Neighborhood area which could include a wide range of land uses, open space, circulation system and cultural historic elements.
The specific plan process is scheduled to begin in December of this year, with an anticipated completion in September of 2018.