RICK served as the civil engineer on the Black Mountain Ranch project and prepared land planning, tentative mapping, and final construction documents for roads, utilities, grading, traffic signals, signing and striping, drainage studies, sewer studies, subdivision mapping, construction staking, and construction administration services. Additionally, RICK prepared the Black Mountain Ranch Subarea Plan, which included the guiding documents for the 2,700-dwelling unit development. RICK prepared final engineering design as well as construction management services.
RICK most recently completed the water main and sewer main improvements for Black Mountain Ranch “East Clusters.” The project improvements included design and construction support for 9,300 linear feet of 16” and 20” PVC and 20” steel water pipe, along with parallel 8” to 15”-diameter PVC sewer main alongside a pressure-reducing station. The high groundwater conditions caused special design and construction considerations because a majority of the project was not within a public roadway. The design included maintenance vehicle access roads that met the City of San Diego’s design standards. The project was multi-phased and successfully completed to avoid construction during restricted bird-breeding seasons.
The project was awarded the “Best Land Plan” and “Best Master Planned Community in Southern California” by the Building Industry Association (BIA) of California.