RICK provided design services for the redevelopment of 315 Navy housing residential units for a 50-acre site. Included were grading plans, improvement plans, and precise grading plans. Improvement plans addressed both public and private facilities, including streets/alleys/storm drain, sewer, and water.
Specific drainage design elements included preparing the hydrology using the VCRat and Tc Calculator programs developed for Ventura County Watershed Protection District (VCWPD), hydraulic design for storm drain, inlets, open channels, and detention basin outlet works. Final construction documents including plans and cost estimates were prepared in addition to supporting design reports for drainage and water quality.
The project was built in accordance with City of Camarillo design standards, including the design of on-site storm drain, detention basins, and water quality treatment facilities based on the Ventura County Hydrology Manual, Technical Guidance Manual for Storm Water Quality Control Measures, Ventura County Municipal Storm Water NPDES Permit (NPDES Permit No. CAS004002), and City of Camarillo SQUIMP requirements.
During the design phase, it was identified that downstream storm drain facilities were inadequate for the existing discharge rates leaving the site. Creative solutions were utilized to help alleviate the existing inadequacies and mitigate for potential impacts due to the redevelopment project. The design incorporated on-site detention basins, vegetated channels, and areas of permeable pavements to help reduce discharge rates to 50% below existing conditions.