Imperial County is a growing county with a population of 184,000-residents to the east of San Diego, and includes a wide range of land uses, from urban and suburban development to large areas of agricultural uses and a number of sensitive open space and environmental areas, including the Salton Sea. This project included the updates to the County’s Renewable Energy Element and the Conservation and Open Space Element of the General Plan document. The elements were updated to address the expansive growth in solar, geothermal, and renewable energy projects in Imperial County.
As Project Manager, Brian Mooney of RICK led the preparation of the updated Baseline Analysis Report that addressed environmental constraints with a focus on natural and cultural resources. The elements were then updated to include a land use overlay system, limiting areas where renewable energy could be developed. In addition, RICK was the prime author of the elements and updated the County’s Development Code. A special focus of the update pertained to the restoration of the Salton Sea with renewable energy projects. The planning effort involved bilingual outreach to the significant Latino community in Imperial County. Both elements of the General Plan received “Outstanding Environmental Planning” awards from the APA’s San Diego chapter.