In efforts to improve the aesthetic character, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, and connectivity along the Moody Street corridor, the City of Cypress awarded RICK the Moody Street Beautification Enhancement project. Our scope of services included civil and traffic engineering, landscape design, and surveying.
Working with the City of Cypress, RICK provided design development and construction documents for this multi-phase streetscape project within a one-and-a-half-mile stretch of Moody Street. Previously, Moody Street was a four-lane collector street with painted medians. RICK’s task involved transforming the painted asphalt medians into green, sustainable landscapes that introduced a much-needed visual aesthetic along this corridor. Additional components of the design were to calm traffic and increase pedestrian safety and comfort.
The project objectives were reached with the design of raised landscaped medians that featured lush, yet drought-tolerant plant materials that were low-maintenance and carefully placed to ensure ample sight distance. Traffic calming was achieved with the channelization created by the medians, as well as narrowed travel lanes.
Pedestrian safety and comfort was enhanced with the design of split pedestrian crossover-style crosswalks at two critical locations. Work included the analysis of over 60 pedestrian ramps for compliance with current ADA requirements. The result is a positive landmark project for the City of Cypress.