RICK was selected by the Pascua Yaqui Tribe to update its Small Area Transportation Plan. The plan update included a comprehensive road inventory for the BIA RIFDS, including agency parking lots and planned streets, an implementation plan with prioritized projects and associated budgetary costs, and a clear and concise transportation master plan report. As part of the study, RICK modified the existing Pima Association of Governments (PAG) regional Travel Demand Model (TDM) for the study area, refined the network and Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) structure and socio-economic data, forecasted the travel demand on the roadway network for 2017, 2022, and 2045, and analyzed capacity and congestion issues.
Additional elements of the study included field data collection of all transportation facilities. RICK developed a GIS-based iPad application and collected the roadway, sidewalk, bike paths, transit facilities, and parking lot data for the inventory. Additionally, the development of a GIS-based mapping application enabled the user to select the transportation facility and readily see the pertinent information for the facility and associated proposed improvement project. The RICK team also developed an online GIS-base mapping site for the agency to visualize the data which includes traffic, travel, and infrastructure data for the reservation. The updated plan is multimodal in nature and involved extensive outreach to community members and stakeholders to reach consensus on the plan goals and objectives