RICK provided preliminary and final engineering design as well as bid and construction support for the Poway Road Class I Bike Path project. The project will construct approximately 0.5 miles of Class I Bike Path from I-15 to Sabre Springs Parkway in the City of San Diego. The varied engineering and design components include the following: construction of approximately 0.4 miles of a keystone retaining wall, avoidance of City MSCP/MHPA areas, storm drain modifications, dry utility relocations, design of a modified metal beam guardrail system, traffic signing and striping, traffic control, modification to traffic electrical facilities, and landscape and irrigation. RICK also provided the following services: environmental approval (CatEx) and coordination; preliminary engineering and Site Development Permit approval; Preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E); drainage design, traffic design services/utilities; and lastly, RICK obtained a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for the traffic control work proposed for this project.