RICK was hired by Barnard Construction Company Inc. to perform a detailed topographic as-built survey of the excavated abutments for a 117-foot dam raise of an existing 220-foot structure. The project is located just east of the City of San Diego.
Significant site constraints, including steep topography, access to survey areas, requirement of surface detail of the excavated abutments, and ongoing construction activities rendered conventional surveying techniques impractical. Terrestrial laser scanning allows objects to be surveyed at very dense grid intervals very quickly, collecting surface detail not obtainable using conventional methods and at sites that are physically difficult to access.
Survey scanning missions required multiple deployments to correspond with the completion of segmented blasting and excavation areas. Each completed segment was analyzed and merged with overlapping scanned areas to create a single composite of the lowest excavated area.
Point clouds were registered to the project coordinate system, cleaned, and exported to 0.5-foot grid ASCII files, where DTMs were created to calculate pay quantities and be used as a design document for the next phase of construction.
RICK services for the project included the following: