The 150-acre United States Olympic Training Center (OTC) located in Chula Vista, California, is the first warm-weather, year-round facility in the nation! The United States Olympic Committee, alongside the City of Chula Vista, solicited RICK to provide various planning, design, and engineering services. To start, RICK created a comprehensive coordination and planning effort to update the Sectional Planning Area (SPA) Plan document that provides official rules, regulations, and policy for future development.
In order to thoroughly amend/update the SPA, the RICK Team familiarized themselves with the physical characteristics identified in the Master Plan. RICK enacted due diligence to ensure appropriate design elements were taken into consideration before proposing alternatives. The updated SPA Plan, completed by RICK, provided a clear direction for future development at OTC, balancing undeveloped land with the ultimate build-out.
The 150-acre Olympic Training Center project area includes the following:
RICK also provided civil, landscape, and drainage design services and obtained the appropriate permits to construct the OTC BMX course, a favorite project of many. The project required preparation of grading plans for the entire course, which is approximately 1,600 feet long, with a vertical decline of approximately 14 feet (from start to finish). The BMX course features two intertwined tracks that contain jumps, flattops, and other obstacles with a start ramp approximately 30 feet tall. The BMX course, from start to finish, complies with the City of Chula Vista’s municipal requirements, including drainage and water quality, low impact development (LID), erosion control, soil treatment, safety, and aesthetic demands.