Services > Traffic Engineering, Planning, & Municipal Services

Traffic Engineering, Planning, & Municipal Services

Expert Traffic Engineering, Planning, & Municipal Services

RICK’s Traffic Engineering & Planning Department offers a full spectrum of traffic-related services for both the public and private sectors. Our clients include city, state, and federal agencies, development companies, and individual landowners. Our expert team is comprised of licensed civil and traffic engineers, as well as certified professional traffic operations engineers, professional transportation planners, and roadway safety professionals.

Institutional Knowledge & Innovative Technology

Our highly experienced staff liaisons regularly with local officials to stay on top of traffic requirements and best practices. We employ this knowledge to create innovative plans using state-of-the-art technology for efficient analysis and plan production.

Our Traffic Engineering, Planning, & Municipal Services

RICK offers a wide range of traffic-related design, planning, and municipal services, including the following:


years of excellence


successful projects


talented employees


service offerings


charities helped


locations in the western US